Need a new body? You got it!!

1 Apr 2024 11:47 AM

Easter is all about renewal, and new life.

The cool thing is, your body gives you an opportunity to have renewal every year, with 98% of the cells replaced every year. Maybe this year is your year to make every cell count and be its best.

What we do to our bodies on a day-to-day basis influences those cells and determines whether they are as healthy as they can be. That can be what we eat and drink, what activities we do and what we even think.


One way you can help set your body up for success is to look after the structure, whether it be exercise, massage, chiropractic or diet. The practitioners at Alive Health can help you with that.


·       Our Pilates instructors can help you gently and effectively work the muscles so that you can move well and be supported in your everyday movements.

·       Massage can help move toxins away from the muscles so they can be metabolised and release muscles and fascia to make those movements pain free and efficient and release that unwanted tension.

·       Chiropractic can create appropriate joint movement throughout the whole skeletal structure to reduce unwanted pain and help so that the exercise is more effective and there is less need for unnecessary tension as the underlying structure is moving more efficiently. It also influences the nervous system and brain through gentle adjustments to help the whole body work at its optimum.

·       Naturopathy can help support your organ systems and determine whether there are any deficiencies so that your cells are renewing healthily and you are helped to be your best self.


Come see what Alive Health, located in Orange NSW, can offer to help renew your body and get it on track to be its best version. Give us a call on 02 6362 7899 or book online.